緣起與期待 History



      My child said: “Mom, how can I be normal like others?” I found these words painful but they ignited in me a spark that I refuse to ignore in my mind. Therefore, I became involved in education about visual impairments and the task of life reconstruction. During the process of serving visually challenged people, I heard many hopeless and disappointing stories, especially from those who became visually challenged later in life. I often heard them say, with annoyance: “If only they had found out earlier ... if only they had cherished their eyes much more … if only … if only they had … they would not have encountered visual impairment.”
We empathize with the feelings of visually impaired people, and we hope that the extent of this condition can be reduced. At the invitation of the founding chairperson, Liao You-Yi, the Taiwan Light of Love Association was officially established on 5 January 2014. Moreover, we gathered a group of volunteers together to engage in “eyecare and blindness prevention” and put eyecare into practice. We hope that the efforts we have made can be transformed into aspiration and motivation. In the era of technology expansion, we have witnessed people whose eyes suffer irresistible injuries. Therefore, we hope that everyone can cherish and care for their eyes.